Container for MusaweNkosi
In March 2023, 2 modified containers were set up for the MusaweNkosi orphanage. These will be used for skills training.
In March 2023, 2 modified containers were set up for the MusaweNkosi orphanage. These will be used for skills training.
Report from Dorothee Holly, 1st Chairperson: I was in South Africa in October and unfortunately have to inform you that we will not be able to realise the "Building a women's shelter" project. The project started with major, unforeseeable problems. We needed a new construction drawing, the building site was most likely unsuitable and the existing [...]
When an old chicken coop becomes a great new building, then you can look back with pride on a successful project. With donations from many supporters, we have managed to construct a new building at the MusaweNkosi orphanage to give the older children the opportunity to stay at the centre and take in more younger children. [...]
Things are progressing in leaps and bounds! Gavin, the manager of the MusaweNkosi orphanage, reports: The walls and windows are now in place. We had some heavy downpours which prevented the workers from continuing, but we hope to finish the plastering of the walls, and the roof before Christmas, and then the interior can be completed [...]
The first construction phase of our new project at the MusaweNkosi orphanage has begun! The workers have been busy laying bricks, and partitioning off the rooms. This is the first step towards improving the living conditions of the children as quickly as possible. We still need your support in the form of donations so that we [...]
Our project in the orphanage continues steadily! Karin, her husband and a friend have now set up the holder for the water tank. This can now be installed in a few days.
An unserem Projektstandort MusaweNkosi in Empangeni geht es mit großen Schritten voran: Die Warm- und Kaltwasser-Leitungen wurden bereits verlegt und die Anschlüsse sind gesetzt. Außerdem wurden Boden und Wände der Duschen neu gefliest. Wir sind noch nicht ganz fertig mit den Arbeiten vor Ort, aber es wird! Wir danken allen Spendern, die unser Projekt unterstützen. [...]
We have successfully achieved goal number 1 - emptying the toilets! Thursday afternoon the toilets on the site were emptied. I would never have thought that a big lorry, and a not so such a pleasant smell could make one so happy! Together with your help and support, we have achieved our first goal! A big [...]
We have already reported several times about our current project, the renovation of the MusaweNkosi orphanage near Empangeni (South Africa), and now we are entering the “hot“ phase. The bathrooms are currently in a catastrophic state and the children wash and shower with cold water. All 4 bathrooms are now to be completely tiled. New pipes [...]