
Orphanage project completed


In September, Chairwoman Dorothee Holly visited the MusaweNkosi orphanage to inspect the completion of the bathrooms. As the photos show, it was a very emotional visit. The director of the orphanage, Eric Bhutelezi, embraced Dorothee with gratitude. He sends his heartfelt thanks to all donors in Germany!!! It was a dream come true for [...]

Orphanage project completed2016-10-31T15:24:08+01:00

Things are moving forward in the orphanage


  An unserem Projektstandort MusaweNkosi in Empangeni geht es mit großen Schritten voran: Die Warm- und Kaltwasser-Leitungen wurden bereits verlegt und die Anschlüsse sind gesetzt. Außerdem wurden Boden und Wände der Duschen neu gefliest. Wir sind noch nicht ganz fertig mit den Arbeiten vor Ort, aber es wird! Wir danken allen Spendern, die unser Projekt unterstützen. [...]

Things are moving forward in the orphanage2016-07-11T10:42:22+02:00

A big thank you!


It is with great pleasure that I would like to share a wonderful deed with you! Four young people from Gemünden had their confirmation a few weeks ago. They donated the money they received for their big day to the renovation of the bathrooms in the MusaweNkosi orphanage. In my opinion, this is a very admirable [...]

A big thank you!2016-07-05T15:43:55+02:00

Step by step!


The renovation work is progressing nicely! New concrete flooring has been poured in the showers The old tiles have been removed New washbasins have been installed New shower heads have been installed The children and teenagers are more than happy! It's just great! Keep up the good work!

Step by step!2016-06-30T18:56:58+02:00

News from the Thuthukani Special School near Empangeni


In April, our Chairwoman, Dorothee Holly, visited our current Colours for Kids projects. A stainless steel kitchen table and wall paint were donated to the Thuthukani Special School for Special Needs Kids. The headmistress of the school, Marthie Combrinck, expressed her delight in a letter of thanks: Dear Dorothee and Colour for Kids, We are very [...]

News from the Thuthukani Special School near Empangeni2016-06-07T11:38:04+02:00

Wonderful news!!


We have successfully achieved goal number 1 - emptying the toilets! Thursday afternoon the toilets on the site were emptied. I would never have thought that a big lorry, and a not so such a pleasant smell could make one so happy! Together with your help and support, we have achieved our first goal! A big [...]

Wonderful news!!2016-06-06T11:46:50+02:00

We need your help!


We have already reported several times about our current project, the renovation of the MusaweNkosi orphanage near Empangeni (South Africa), and now we are entering the “hot“ phase. The bathrooms are currently in a catastrophic state and the children wash and shower with cold water. All 4 bathrooms are now to be completely tiled. New pipes [...]

We need your help!2016-04-11T13:41:53+02:00

MusaweNkosi Orphanage, Empangeni


This is an orphanage, near Empangeni, that is only maintained by donations. However, the donations are only enough for the bare necessities. Karin and Dorothee from Colours for Kids e.V. were able to see this for themselves in November 2015. In this orphanage, 30 orphans are cared for by 10 helpers. The sanitary facilities here are [...]

MusaweNkosi Orphanage, Empangeni2024-03-08T12:03:55+01:00
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