Im April besuchte unsere Vorsitzende Dorothee Holly unsere aktuellen Projekte von Colours for Kids. Für die Thuthukani Special School for Special Kids konnte mit Hilfe der eingebrachten Spenden ein Edelstahl-Küchentisch und Wandfarbe übergeben werden.

Die Direktorin der Schule Marthie Combrinck brachte ihre Freude durch ein Dankesschreiben zum Ausdruck:

Dear Dorothee and Colour for Kids,

We are so thankful to you for donating this very functional stainless steel table for our kitchen at Thuthukani Special School in South Africa.  We cook for 390 disabled children every day and are struggling with work space and health requirements with regards to our equipment in our current kitchen area.

As you can see from the pictures, our kitchen staff are having a great time in preparing food on a proper surface which allow for easy cleaning and hygiene.

We are just waiting for the school holidays to re-paint our kitchen with the paint you have so generously sponsored as well.

Thuthukani Special School is a school in rural Zululand, South Africa, catering for 390 children with intellectual and physical disabilities.  Your sponsorship towards our school is truly making a positive difference to the lives of these beautiful and special children.


Thank you!

Marthie Combrinck (Principal), Staff and children of Thuthukani Special School